Monthly Archives: April 2017

Important in calculating the risk of Daesh

Since the appearance of ISIS in Iraq and Syria over the last few years, journalists have been analyzing the situation. However, the approach of much of the coverage focuses on the number of fighters and their nationalities, which suggests a misunderstanding of the region and its people.

Western journalists have preconceived notions about the universality of the concept of nation states and many fail to understand that nationhood is a relatively modern concept, particularly in the Middle East where society and culture is based on thousands of years of development, at the core of which is a tribal mentality. The history of the region is one of tribes, brought together at various times and in different forms by strong leaders to form region-wide civilizations and empires.

The relevant empire in this situation is obviously the spread of Islam where various methods were used to convert the populations and bring them under the rule of the Caliphate. Over hundreds of years Islam has been overlaid local cultures and customs such that the shared culture across the region is those inculcated through Islam, far more than any modern notion of nationalism.

ISIS is tapping into that shared religious and cultural history to appeal to people across the region. The modern borders that define nation states across the region are not the best frame through which to assess the success of ISIS’ recruitment.

Understanding the origin of the fighters is useful in a practical sense for law enforcement and national security agencies responding to growing levels of radicalization to understand factors such as upbringing and life circumstances, but this is only part of the puzzle. This is demonstrated by estimates that 1,400 people from France have travelled to the region to fight with ISIS, and according to UK Police numbers, 700 British residents who were fighting alongside ISIS are now back in the UK.

This phenomenon can be explained if seen through the lens of ISIS’ declaration of a caliphate creating a global movement that transcends national borders by tapping into the shared culture of Islam, albeit an entirely warped interpretation of the religion.

When journalists talk about the majority of ISIS fighters coming from Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey, and Jordan it is quite misleading. Yes, there is a problem with radicalization in a country like Jordan, and yes there are many Jordanians who are fighting with ISIS. But Jordan shares a border with Iraq and Syria, has high levels of youth unemployment and a majority population of refugees. However, according to official Jordanian sources the current number of Jordanian fighters in both Syria and Iraq is around 900 fighters, this obviously doesn’t the existence of the phenomena but shows that the numbers circulating today in some reports are not accurate.

In addition, while we often see estimates of the number of fighters from these countries, we don’t look at where they actually came from and very rarely hear that nearly 20% of fighters were residents or nationals of Western European countries.

The facts remain that the whole world is facing the risk of ISIS and radicalization. There are various levels of threats depending on proximity to the region and the profile of various countries as a target for ISIS, but let us not fall into the trap of creating stereotypes that do not consider the cultural or historical context and lead to an unfair demonization of a country that is otherwise key in winning this battle and distract us from those real threats.

Dr. Amer Al Sabaileh

Where is the Syrian crisis heading?

With the US strike on Syria this week the Syrian crisis appears to have returned to its original dynamic. The escalation towards Syrian president Bashar al Assad is once again central to the US position and has brought it back in line with other countries that up until now have not been on good terms with the new Trump Administration. As a result we have seen the G7 Ministerial Summit entrust US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson as the representative of not just of the G7 countries, but also Gulf and other neighboring countries to deliver a message to Moscow regarding their position towards Assad and the rules for a new political solution.

It is important to see the US strike in Syria as a political message not as war message. The target, location, style of attack and that they informed the Russians of the attack demonstrate that the US wanted to send a clear message regarding its new position in Syria. Direct military action from the US represents a significant change in their role in and the nature of the conflict itself.

The Syrian crisis is even more of a delicate balance now with global pressure on Russia to step back from its support of the Assad regime. Moscow must make the next move, but either way, we are likely to see an escalation on the ground.

The US has achieved multidimensional gains with this strike. Firstly, it has restored alignment of its position with European and Arab allies, who welcomed the strike. It has also blunted the accusations against the Trump Administration around its close ties to Russia, which cost them a National Security Adviser and was threatening the role of Trump’s son in law, Jared Kushner.

In addition, the strike has gone a long way to restore the trust of Israel, whose previous attacks in Syria were seen as a shift in power in the conflict. The strike has signaled a new American military presence in Syria, which could soon be expanded to the liberation of Raqqa.

The pressure on Moscow might not precipitate a political solution in Syria in the short term, but it is a clear challenge to Russia and its allies. The Russian axis in the region are clearly gearing up for an increased American presence in Syria, as it could lead to the US directly confronting the role of Hezbollah and Iran in the conflict, which could greatly escalate tensions with Moscow.

Dr. Amer Al Sabaileh 

USA fake

USA fake

Dopo le denunce verbali senza riscontri, dopo le dichiarazioni dei militari americani che dicono al mondo di aver visto dal satellite che l’aviazione siriana di Assad bombardava con il gas sarin la popolazione civile anche questa volta senza riscontri e senza aver portato i tracciati da cui inequivocabilmente sarebbe stato possibile capire se l’attacco chimico era stato programmato da Assad, ecco l’ennesimo colpo di scena.

L’intelligence Usa, non si è capito bene quale delle tante agenzie, ha intercettato un colloquio dei piloti siriani che si preparano ad attaccare con il gas la popolazione inerme.

Naturalmente le intercettazioni rimarranno segrete e quindi, se esistono facilmente manipolabili, ma sulla base di questa ennesima “bufala“ il Presidente Trump avrà la giustificazione alle azioni di rappresaglia in Siria.

E’ sempre tutto molto strano, e la domanda sorge spontanea: se gli americani hanno intercettato l’aviazione siriana in procinto di commettere un crimine contro l’umanità perché non sono intervenuti per fermarli?

© Riproduzione Riservata 


USA fake

USA fake

Dopo le denunce verbali senza riscontri, dopo le dichiarazioni dei militari americani che dicono al mondo di aver visto dal satellite che l’aviazione siriana di Assad bombardava con il gas sarin la popolazione civile anche questa volta senza riscontri e senza aver portato i tracciati da cui inequivocabilmente sarebbe stato possibile capire se l’attacco chimico era stato programmato da Assad, ecco l’ennesimo colpo di scena.

L’intelligence Usa, non si è capito bene quale delle tante agenzie, ha intercettato un colloquio dei piloti siriani che si preparano ad attaccare con il gas la popolazione inerme.

Naturalmente le intercettazioni rimarranno segrete e quindi, se esistono facilmente manipolabili, ma sulla base di questa ennesima “bufala“ il Presidente Trump avrà la giustificazione alle azioni di rappresaglia in Siria.

E’ sempre tutto molto strano, e la domanda sorge spontanea: se gli americani hanno intercettato l’aviazione siriana in procinto di commettere un crimine contro l’umanità perché non sono intervenuti per fermarli?

© Riproduzione Riservata 


Tornano le bombe in Egitto

Tornano le bombe in Egitto

Tornano le bombe contro i cristiani, contro la quotidianità di un paese e di un popolo che cerca lentamente di tornare alla normalità, anche se con un governo che non ammette contraddittorio e non tollera opposizioni democratiche.

Tutto purtroppo rientra nella ormai consueta attività di destabilizzazione che le organizzazioni terroristiche etero guidate mettono in campo per generare confusione  e panico nell’area medio orientale con lo scopo di disunire il più possibile i paesi che faticosamente tentano di collaborare e di fare fronte comune contro lo spettro del terrorismo islamico.

Allora si colpisce un mercato, una  chiesa, una moschea, una caserma… vecchia tattica.

Di fronte all’effetto devastante di una bomba ci si aspettava, però, un governo egiziano più attento alla difesa degli obiettivi citati.

In Egitto l’Intelligence utilizza ingenti risorse economiche ed umane per fare indagini anche sul nulla, ma si dimentica di procedere alla difesa passiva degli obbiettivi sensibili, nei giorni più a rischio dell’anno.

Strano, molto strano.   

© Riproduzione Riservata 

Tornano le bombe in Egitto

Tornano le bombe in Egitto

Tornano le bombe contro i cristiani, contro la quotidianità di un paese e di un popolo che cerca lentamente di tornare alla normalità, anche se con governo che non ammette contradditorio e non tollera opposizioni democratiche.

Tutto purtroppo rientra nella ormai consueta attività di destabilizzazione che le organizzazioni terroristiche etero guidate mettono in campo per generare confusione  e panico nell’area medio orientale con lo scopo di disunire il più possibile i paesi che faticosamente tentano di collaborare e di fare fronte comune contro lo spettro del terrorismo islamico.

Allora si colpisce un mercato, una  chiesa, una moschea, una caserma, vecchia tattica.

Di fronte all’effetto devastante di una bomba ci si aspettava, però, un governo egiziano più attento alla difesa degli obiettivi citati.

In Egitto l’Intelligence utilizza ingenti risorse economiche ed umane per fare indagini anche sul nulla, ma si dimentica di procedere alla difesa passiva degli obbiettivi sensibili, nei giorni più a rischio dell’anno.

Strano, molto strano.   

© Riproduzione Riservata 

Visiting British PM’s message

May’s visit is important because it initiates a new phase of discrete UK polices in the Middle East. Aside from the international coalition which Jordan and UK are part of, a UK-Jordan initiative to counter the terror threats is in train. This bilateral understanding aims to develop new capabilities to strike ISIS targets by enhancing the capacities of the Jordanian Air Force.

It is also important that the British initiative includes a long-term cooperation that aims to improve countering violent extremism in the region. This is an integral issue for both Jordan and the UK. For the British it is important to address the sources of radicalization in the region, many of which have connections with radical members on their soil. Any de-radicalization process in Britain requires a measure of addressing the source of funding and training of terrorism in the Middle East.

Clearly it is also an essential issue to address for Jordan. Jordan requires concrete support in applying a more decisive process of de-radicalization. Indeed, Jordan needs to focus on accelerating the de-radicalization to counter their citizens who have gone to Syria and Iraq to fight, as well as those who are radicalized within its borders.

The Obama strategies that created a vacuum in Syria, which was eventually filled by Russia are being remedied and the lessons are being learned. During the visit, May also discussed ways in which the UK can assist Jordan to address the consequences of the Syrian conflict. Clearly the UK is taking steps to support Jordan and ensure a direct role in Syria and the rebuilding process.

We are also seeing the Trump administration seeking to protect its interest in Syria by engaging in Raqqa. The UK is seeking to maintain and build its presence in the Middle East in order to protect its interest. Jordan is strategically important for this, as it is central to Syria, Iraq and regional terrorism.

The symbolism of the visit during the post-Brexit transition demonstrates the shift in UK policies to secure UK interests. This may be the first step of a transition in strategy that London will adopt to guarantee its presence and interests in around the world.

Dr. Amer Al Sabaileh

Stoccolma sotto attacco

Stoccolma sotto attacco

Ancora un camion, rubato e lanciato sulla folla nella speranza di fare il maggior numero di vittime.

Nel primo pomeriggio intorno alle 15 ora italiana un camion che trasporta birra, rubato diverse ore prima si è schiantato all’interno di un centro commerciale nell’area pedonale di Stoccolma in pieno centro.

Ci si aspettava il ripetersi di simili azioni, perché le più facili da portare a termine con successo e purtroppo l’intelligence svedese non ha ben attivato tutte quelle procedure preventive che se utilizzate servono a non far avvicinare mezzi di questo tipo a zone affollate.

Avere il permesso per entrare in una zona pedonalizzata in questo periodo non può bastare; in Italia, infatti la prevenzione cosiddetta passiva impedisce con ostacoli fisici ai veicoli di prendere velocità nelle aree a rischio, inoltre nei centri commerciali e nelle zone limitrofe abbiamo, da tempo schierato, rigorosamente in borghese, numerosi speciali in grado di fermare una fonte di pericolo in breve tempo.

Le buone pratiche devono essere sempre condivise.     

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